Eastern Region was started in 1985-1986 by Jim Dorbis while a student of woodturning at a College of Technical and Further Education. Things were hard in the beginning but at the same time exciting.
Eastern Region is the smallest of all the Sydney Woodturners Guild Regions but it is well supported. Most of the members are working and often lack time to devote to their hobby but are emphatic that the eastern region will survive.

In the early days of the Region, woodturners met  at Jim Dorbis’s premises, after which the meeting were held in various other members workshops which was a good way of seeing other peoples woodturning tools and equipment and approach to work turning safety. The members found this approach very practical. At the end of 2014, we had the opportunity to move into our own workshop in Malabar which is now our home.

Eastern Region is a miniature United Nations woodturning club with members originating from Sweden, Italy, Egypt, Israel and Malta. Some members even come from Sydney.

Eastern Region woodturners usually meets on the first Sunday of each month although this sometimes changes to accomodate long week ends and other holiday periods.

As we are a Region of the Sydney Woodturners Guild, all Guild members may attend our meetings and local or overseas visitors are especially welcome. We have found that it is easier to learn in a small group then in a large one.

If you are looking for a new hobby please do come and join us, you’ll never regret it. Although the Club was formed primarily for woodturning, there are no restrictions on members  developing techniques and improving skills in all arts of wood working. If you are a “lover of woodwork” you are welcome at the club.

We have a fully equipped woodturning workshop which is available for use by all members.

The workshop is open on Saturday from 9 am to 12 noon. Our saturday meetings at the workshop are well attended and provide a great opportunity for members to socialise and discuss woodturning projects.

(closed Christmas and New Year holidays)

There are always experienced woodturners on hand to assist new members in the safe use of the machinery and with their woodturning projects.

The equipment at the workshop includes:

4 lathes
Chisels, faceplates and chucks for each lathe
Grinders for sharpening tools
Drill press

and more…

The club has a number of books on all aspects of woodturning, which the members are welcome to borrow.

About us