Tag: Phil McLeod

  • Turn a 19 inch cake platter

    Turning a cake platter by Philip McLeod (My apologies to those who are Imperially challenged). This story starts about 1 year ago. My youngest son, Rowan McLeod, (a member of Eastern Region) is best friends with Jareth Norman. Unfortunately Jareth’s Grandfather died and he was given the job of cleaning out the house at that…

  • Removing tarnish from copper coins

    REMOVING TARNISH / PATINA FROM COPPER COINS. USING BRASSO: Simply rub with a clean cloth until required finish is achieved. Remove all remaining Brasso from the item and clean with Methylated Spirits. If you do not want the item to tarnish again coat with Wattyl Incralac Clear Copper Lacquer or similar product. USING HOUSHOILD CLEANING…